Aminet 16
Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso
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571 lines
$VER: Acey-Deucey, v1.30 (5-Oct-96) by Dotoran!
options results;signal on SYNTAX;signal on ERROR;signal on IOERR;ver=word(sourceline(2),3)
a='rexxsupport.library';if ~show('l',a) then if ~addlib(a,0,-30) then exit
yours=500;tsr=random(,,time('s'));changewhere "Acey-Deucey, "ver
lose=0 /* Lose what? 0 = Nothing, but a bit of face,
1 = Time ($10 = 1 Minute),
2 = Game Points ($1 = 1 Game Point). */
gu 1;handle=result
if lose=1 then do;gu 7;time=result%10;if time<10 then do
tr 'f1naceYou do not have enough cfTime ceto play'
tr 'o1cbA C E Y D E U C E Yo0 cetoday...w3'
signal GOODBYE;end;end
if lose=2 then do;gu 21;gpoints=result;if gpoints<1000 then do
tr 'f1naceYou do not have enough cfGame Points ceto play'
tr 'o1cbA C E Y D E U C E Yo0 cetoday...w3'
signal GOODBYE;end;end
gu 2407202;defcol='c'substr('0123456789abcdef',result+1,1)
d1=1;tr '@4';call TITLE
se 'n1>f>9c7Number of Opponents? c3(c60c3-c63c3)c7: c6'
gc;an=result;call CHECK;if an<'0' | an>'3' then an='1'
tr an;pl=an;players=an+1;card=0;tr 'f0n2'
do 18;tr '>7z0'copies(' ',66);end;call PREFS;gms=games
tr 'f0n1z1c6';do 20;tr '>5'copies('°',70);end
call CLEAR;tr '>f>fc6Collecting Antes...'
tr 'n1>f>fFive Chips Each...w3';yours=yours-5
if jgone=0 & pl>0 then jennifers=jennifers-5
if kgone=0 & pl>1 then kristins=kristins-5
if pgone=0 & pl>2 then pauls=pauls-5
an=yours;bpos='n2>f>f>f>5';call BANK
tr "f0n7>f>fz6c4"left(handle"'s Hand/",20)
down='n2';over='>f>f';call DEAL;h1=v
if h1=1 then do;call CLEAR;tr 'f0na>f>fc7Will this c6Ace c7be'
tr '>f>fc2Lowc7, or c2Highc7?'
se '>f>f(c2Lc7/c2hc7): c2';gc;a=result
if a='H' then do;tr 'High';h1=14;end
if a~='H' then do;tr 'Low' ;h1=1 ;end
end;over='>f>f>e';call DEAL;h2=v;if h2=1 then h2=14
if h1<h2 then do;v=h1;h1=h2;h2=v;end
if pl=0 then signal HPLAY
if jgone=1 & pl=1 then signal HPLAY
if jgone=1 & pl>1 then signal KRISTIN
an=jennifers;bpos='nd>f>f>f>b';call BANK
tr "f0nd>f>f>f>bz6c4Jennifer's Hand "
down='n8';over='>f>f>f>9';call DEAL;j1=v
if j1=1 then do;ace=random(1,2)
if ace=1 then j1=1;else j1=14
call CLEAR;tr 'f0na>f>fc2Jennifer c7makes her'
tr '>f>fc6Ace c7a c5'substr('Low High',ace*4-3,4)' c7one.w2'
over='>f>f>f>f>8';call DEAL;j2=v;if j2=1 then j2=14
if j1<j2 then do;v=j1;j1=j2;j2=v;end
if pl=1 then signal HPLAY
if kgone=1 & pl=1 then signal HPLAY
if kgone=1 & pl>1 then signal PAUL
an=kristins;bpos='nf>d';call BANK
tr "f0nfn5>f>ez6c4 Kristin's Hand "
down='nf';over='>f>f';call DEAL;k1=v
if k1=1 then do;ace=random(1,2)
if ace=1 then k1=1;else k1=14
call CLEAR;tr 'f0na>f>fc2Kristin c7makes her'
tr '>f>fc6Ace c7a c5'substr('Low High',ace*4-3,4)' c7one.w2'
over='>f>f>e';call DEAL;k2=v;if k2=1 then k2=14
if k1<k2 then do;v=k1;k1=k2;k2=v;end
if pl=2 then signal HPLAY
if pgone=1 then signal HPLAY
an=pauls;bpos='n3>9';call BANK
tr "f0nd>9z6c4 Paul's Hand "
down='n8';over='>7';call DEAL;p1=v
if p1=1 then do;ace=random(1,2)
if ace=1 then p1=1;else p1=14
call CLEAR;tr 'f0na>f>fc2Paul c7makes his c6Ace'
tr '>f>fc7a c5'substr('Low High',ace*4-3,4)' c7one.w2'
over='>f>6';call DEAL;p2=v;if p2=1 then p2=14
if p1<p2 then do;v=p1;p1=p2;p2=v;end
call CLEAR;tr '>f>fc3'handle
tr '>f>fc7'copies('-',length(handle))
se '>f>fc6Your Betc7:c5 ';qu;an=result;call CHECK
if an='' then do;an=dbet;tr '^1>f>f>a'an;end
a=pos(an,'qQrRnNhH?');if a=0 then signal HPLAY2
if a=1 | a=2 then signal QUIT
if a=3 | a=4 then do;games=gms
tr '>f>fc3Repetitions Reset!';signal HPLAY;end
if a=5 | a=6 then do;se '>f>fc7New Repetitions: ';qu
an=result;call CHECK;if an<'1' | an>'100' then do
tr '>f>fc1Bad Value.';signal HPLAY;end
games=trunc(an);gms=games;signal HPLAY;end
if a>6 & a<10 then do;call CLEAR
tr '^1>f>fz0c6o1H E L P S C R E E No0'
tr '>f>fc7Enter a bet, or use:'
tr '>f>fc7[c5Qc7]c5uit Hand'
tr '>f>fc7[c2Rc7]c2eset Repetitions'
tr '>f>fc7[c1Nc7]c1ew Rep. Value'
tr '>f>fc3<c6CRc3>c6Use Default Betg1'
signal HPLAY;end
call CLEAR;tr '>f>fc3Are you c6sure c3you'
se '>f>fwant to c1Quitc3?n1>f>fc7(c2yc7/c2Nc7)c3: c2'
gc;an=result;call CHECK
if an='Y' then do;tr 'Yes.';signal GOODBYE;end
tr 'No.';signal HPLAY
if an<1 & h1-h2>1 then do
tr '>f>fc1Must give a bet!w1'
signal HPLAY;end
if an>yours/2 then do;tr '>f>fc1That is too much!w1'
signal HPLAY;end
hbet=trunc(an);if pl=0 then signal HFIN
if jgone=1 & pl=1 then signal HFIN
if jgone=1 & pl>1 then signal KPLAY
call CLEAR;tr '>f>fc3Jennifer'
se '>f>fc7--------n1>f>fc6Bets...'
if j1-j2<2 then jbet=0
if j1-j2>1 then jbet=random(1,25)
if j1-j2>3 then jbet=random(26,50)
if j1-j2>5 then jbet=random(50,75)
if j1-j2>9 then jbet=random(76,100)
if jbet>jennifers/2 then jbet=trunc(jennifers/2)
tr 'c5'jbet'w1'
if pl=1 then signal HFIN
if kgone=1 & pl=2 then signal HFIN
if kgone=1 & pl>2 then signal PPLAY
call CLEAR;tr '>f>fc3Kristin'
se '>f>fc7-------n1>f>fc6Bets...'
if k1-k2<2 then kbet=0
if k1-k2>1 then kbet=random(1,50)
if k1-k2>3 then kbet=random(51,100)
if k1-k2>5 then kbet=random(101,150)
if k1-k2>9 then kbet=random(151,200)
if kbet>kristins/2 then kbet=trunc(kristins/2)
tr 'c5'kbet'w1'
if pl=2 then signal HFIN
if pgone=1 then signal HFIN
call CLEAR;tr '>f>fc3Paul'
se '>f>fc7----n1>f>fc6Bets...'
if p1-p2<2 then pbet=0
if p1-p2<1 then pbet=random(1,75)
if p1-p2>3 then pbet=random(76,150)
if p1-p2>5 then pbet=random(151,225)
if p1-p2>9 then pbet=random(226,300)
if pbet>pauls/2 then pbet=trunc(pauls/2)
tr 'c5'pbet'w1'
down='n2';over='>f>f>7';call DEAL
call CLEAR;tr '>f>fc3'handle
tr '>f>fc7'copies('-',length(handle))
call CHECK;if h2=h1-1 | h1=h2 then do;tr '>f>fc1Oh No! Bad Luck!'
tr '>f>fYou lose your ANTE!w2';hbet=0;signal HBANK;end
if h1=v | h2=v then do;tr '>f>fc1Oh No! Bad Luck!'
tr '>f>fYou lose DOUBLE!w2'
yours=yours-(hbet*2);signal HBANK;end
if v>h1 | v<h2 then do;tr '>f>fc1Ooops! Too Bad!'
tr '>f>fYou lose your bet!w2'
yours=yours-hbet;signal HBANK;end
tr '>f>fc6Congratulations!'
tr '>f>fc7You WIN your bet!w2'
yours=yours+hbet;signal HBANK
if jgone=1 & pl=1 then signal AGAIN
if jgone=1 & pl>1 then signal KFIN
down='n8';over='>f>f>f>f>1';call DEAL
call CLEAR;tr '>f>fc3Jennifern1>f>fc7--------'
call CHECK;if j2=j1-1 | j1=j2 then do;tr '>f>fc1Oh No! Bad Luck!'
tr '>f>fYou lose your ANTE!w2';jbet=0;signal JBANK;end
if j1=v | j2=v then do;tr '>f>fc1Oh Dear!'
tr '>f>fI lose DOUBLE!w1'
jennifers=jennifers-(jbet*2);signal JBANK;end
if v>j1 | v<j2 then do;tr '>f>fc1Uh! Darnit!'
tr '>f>fI lost my bet!w1'
jennifers=jennifers-jbet;signal JBANK;end
tr '>f>fc6Did I do good?!w1'
jennifers=jennifers+jbet;signal JBANK;end
if kgone=1 & pl=2 then signal AGAIN
if kgone=1 & pl>2 then signal PFIN
down='nf';over='>f>f>7';call DEAL
call CLEAR;tr '>f>fc3Kristinn1>f>fc7-------'
call CHECK;if k2=k1-1 | k1=k2 then do;tr '>f>fc1Oh No! Bad Luck!'
tr '>f>fYou lose your ANTE!w2';kbet=0;signal KBANK;end
if k1=v | k2=v then do;tr '>f>fc1Silly Cards!'
tr '>f>fI lose DOUBLE!w1'
kristins=kristins-(kbet*2);signal KBANK;end
if v>k1 | v<k2 then do;tr '>f>fc1Oh! Gumdrops!'
tr '>f>fI lost my bet!w1'
kristins=kristins-kbet;signal KBANK;end
tr '>f>fc6I won, right?!w1'
kristins=kristins+kbet;signal KBANK;end
if pgone=1 then signal AGAIN
down='n8';over='>e';call DEAL
call CLEAR;tr '>f>fc3Pauln1>f>fc7----'
call CHECK;if p2=p1-1 | p1=p2 then do;tr '>f>fc1Oh No! Bad Luck!'
tr '>f>fYou lose your ANTE!w2';pbet=0;signal PBANK;end
if p1=v | p2=v then do;tr '>f>fc1Dammit All!'
tr '>f>fI lose DOUBLE!w1'
pauls=pauls-(pbet*2);signal PBANK;end
if v>p1 | v<p2 then do;tr '>f>fc1Jesus H!'
tr '>f>fI lost my bet!w1'
pauls=pauls-pbet;signal PBANK;end
tr ">f>fc6It's about time!w1"
pauls=pauls+pbet;signal PBANK;end
an=yours;bpos='n2>f>f>f>5';call BANK
if pl=0 then signal AGAIN
signal JFIN
an=jennifers;bpos='nd>f>f>f>b';call BANK
if pl=1 then signal AGAIN
signal KFIN
an=kristins;bpos='nf>d';call BANK
if pl=2 then signal AGAIN
signal PFIN
an=pauls;bpos='n3>9';call BANK
signal AGAIN
call CLEAR;games=games-1;if games>0 then signal AG2
tr 'n1>f>fc6Want to c3Play c6Again?';se '>f>fc7(c5Yc7/c5nc7): c5'
gc;an=result;call CHECK;if an='N' then do;tr 'No.'
signal GOODBYE;end;else tr 'Yes!'
se 'f0n3z1c6';do 4;tr '>f>f'copies('°',19);end
if yours>1000 | yours<6 then signal HBYE
se 'f0n9z1c6';do 4;tr '>f>f>f>9'copies('°',19);end
if (jennifers>1000 | jennifers<6) & jgone=0 then call JBYE
tr 'f0nfz1c6';do 4;tr '>f>f'copies('°',19);end
if (kristins>1000 | kristins<6) & kgone=0 then call KBYE
se 'f0n9z1c6';do 4;tr '>7'copies('°',19);end
if (pauls>1000 | pauls<6) & pgone=0 then call PBYE
if players*3>52-card then call SHUFFLE
signal ST1
call CLEAR;if yours>1000 then do;tr ">f>fc6You've broke this"
tr ">f>ftable's bank... Tryn1>f>fagain later."
do 900;end;signal GOODBYE;end
if yours<6 then do;tr ">f>fc6You've tried as"
tr '>f>fhard as you could,n1>f>fonly to fail at'
tr ">f>f'ol Lady Luck..."
do 900;end;signal GOODBYE;end
tr 'f0n8z1c6';do 10;tr '>f>f>f>9'copies('°',20);end
call CLEAR;players=players-1
if jennifers>1000 then do;tr '>f>fc6Jennifer decides'
tr ">f>fto quit, while she'sn1>f>fahead...g1"
if friend=1 then do;call CLEAR
tr '>f>fc6Jennifer gives youn1>f>f100 Chips for a'
tr '>f>fquickie afterwards...g1';yours=yours+100;end
if jennifers<6 then do;tr '>f>fc6Jennifer has had'
tr '>f>fher last stroke ofn1>f>fbad luck. She'
tr '>f>fhas left the game.w4'
tr 'f0nfz1c6';do 5;tr '>d'copies('°',40);end
call CLEAR;players=players-1
if kristins>1000 then do;tr '>f>fc6Kristin decides'
tr '>f>fto buy a minkn1>f>fcoat with her cash.g1'
if friend=1 then do;call CLEAR
tr '>f>fc6Kristin slips youn1>f>f100 Chips under'
tr '>f>fthe table.g1';yours=yours+100;end
if kristins<6 then do;tr '>f>fc6Kristin has gotten'
tr '>f>fa very bad headachen1>f>fShe decides to turn'
tr '>f>fin for the night.w4'
tr 'f0n3z1c6';do 10;tr '>7'copies('°',20);end
call CLEAR;players=players-1
if pauls>1000 then do;tr '>f>fc6Paul decides he can'
tr '>f>fnow pay off hisn1>f>fbookee...g1'
if friend=1 then do;call CLEAR;tr '>f>fc6Paul gives you 100'
tr '>f>fChips to not telln1>f>fLouie where he is.g1'
if pauls<6 then do;tr '>f>fc6Paul squirms quietly'
tr ">f>ffrom the table aftern1>f>fLouie see's him blow"
tr '>f>fhis entire wad!gw4'
tr 'f1n1>f>9z3c4'copies('°',29)
do 10;tr '>f>9'copies('°',29);end;tr 'f0n1c5'
do 10;tr '>f>9>5'copies('±',9);end;tr 'f0n1'
do 10;tr '>f>9>f'copies('±',9);end;tr 'f0n3'
tr '>f>9>7c0Enter>5Exitn9'
tr 'z0c6'center('You take care of business at the cash desk...',78)
if yours>500 then do;tr 'c2';yours=yours-500
if lose=1 then do;addtime (yours%10)
tr center('You leave with an additional 'yours%10' Minutes of Time.',78);end
if lose=2 then do;addpoints (yours)
tr center('You leave with an additional 'yours' Game Points.',78);end
if yours<1 then do;tr 'c5'
if lose=1 then do;addpoints (-(yours%10))
tr center("You're disappointed after losing "yours' Minutes of Time.',78);end
if lose=2 then do;addpoints (-yours)
tr center("You're disappointed after losing "yours' Game Points.',78);end
tr 'n1c7'center('You leave, until the gambling bug bites again...',78)
le='z3c4o1 A C E Y D E U C Y o0z0'defcol;logentry le
do s=1 to 4;do v=1 to 13
if v=10 then deck.d1=deck.d1'0'
c=1;if s=3 | s=4 then c=0
d1=d1+1;end v;end s
se 'n1>f>fz0c2Shuffling...c7[c5100c7]<4c5'
do i=1 to 52;d.i=deck.i;end i
do i=100 to 50 by -1;a1=random(1,52)
se right(i,3,'0')'<3';end i
do i=1 to 26;a.i=d.i;end i;se '<dc2Cutting...'
do i=1 to 26;a=i+26;d.i=d.a;d.a=a.i;end i
se '<aShuffling...c5>1';do i=49 to 0 by -1
a=d.a1;d.a1=d.a2;d.a2=a;se right(i,3,'0')'<3'
end i;se '<dc2Finished....';card=0
c2=' 'right(d.card,1)' ';c3=' 'right(d.card,1)' '
tr 'f0'down;v=pos(left(d.card,1),'A234567891JQK')
tr over'z7c4'c1'z0'
tr over'z7'c2'z0'
tr over'z7'c3'z0'
tr over'z7c4'c4'z0'
do while an>99;yel=yel+1;an=an-100;end
do while an>49;red=red+1;an=an-50 ;end
do while an>9 ;blu=blu+1;an=an-10 ;end
do while an>0 ;whi=whi+1;an=an-1 ;end
tr 'f0n1'bpos"z2c0100's:c3"left(copies('',yel),10)
tr 'f0n2'bpos"z2c0 50's:c1"left(copies('',red),10)
tr 'f0n3'bpos"z2c0 10's:c4"left(copies('',blu),10)
tr 'f0n4'bpos"z2c0 1's:c7"left(copies('',whi),10)
tr 'f0n5'bpos'z6c4Total:c0'left(total' Chips',10)
tr 'f1n1';do i=1 to 20;tr 'z1c6>5'copies('°',70);end i
tr 'f0n3z0c3';do i=1 to 11;tr '>f>6'copies(' ',40);end i
tr 'f0n5>f>fc7o1A C E Y D E U C E Yo0'
tr 'n1>f>9c6Opening a new deck...';call NEWDECK
call SHUFFLE;card=random(1,45)
down='n3';over='>f';call DEAL
over='>f>f>f>f>2';call DEAL
down='n9';over='>f';call DEAL
over='>f>f>f>f>2';call DEAL
down='nf';over='>f';call DEAL
over='>f>f>f>f>2';call DEAL
tr 'f0nfn1>f>6z0c2'
tr '>f>6c2 c3Amiga C-Net Door Written By c2'
tr '>f>6c2 c7Dotoran of Frontiers c2'
tr '>f>6c2'
se 'f0nb>f>9z0c6Need Instructions? c7(c3Yc7/c3nc7)c6: c3'
gc;an=result;call CHECK
if an='N' then do;tr 'No.';return;end
tr 'Yes.';call DOCS
tr 'f0n4>f>7c6Player Preferencesc7:n1'
tr '>f>7c7[c1Gc7] c1Game Repetitions to Play c7: c1'left(games,3)
tr '>f>7c7[c2Dc7] c2Default c3<c6CRc3> c2Betting Amount c7: c2'left(dbet,3)
if pl>0 then tr ">f>7c7[c4Jc7] c4Jennifer's Starting Chips c7: c4"left(jennifers,3)
if pl>1 then tr ">f>7c7[c3Kc7] c3Kristin's Starting Chips c7: c3"left(kristins,3)
if pl>2 then tr ">f>7c7[c5Pc7] c5Paul's Starting Chips c7: c5"left(pauls,3)
tr '>f>7c7[c6Fc7] c6Friendly Option Is Turned c7: c6'substr('OffOn ',friend*3+1,3)
tr 'f0nd>f>7c3Press the letter of the c6Preference c3to'
tr '>f>7change, or press c7RETURN c3to continue: h1c6'
tr 'n1>f>6'copies(' ',40)'n1>f>6'copies(' ',40)
se 'f0ne>f>f>f>e';gc;an=result;call CHECK
a=pos(an,'GDJKPF');if a=0 then return;else tr an
if a=1 then signal PREFS1;else if a=2 then signal PREFS2
if a=3 then signal PREFS3;else if a=4 then signal PREFS4
if a=5 then signal PREFS5;else signal PREFS6
se 'n1>f>7c6Enter c7New c2Game Repetitionc6: c5';qu
an=result;call CHECK;if an<'0' | an>'100' then signal BAD
games=trunc(an);signal PREFS
se 'n1>f>7c6Enter c7New c2Default c3<c6CRc3> c2Betc6: c5';qu
an=result;call CHECK;if an<'1' | an>'100' then signal BAD
dbet=trunc(an);signal PREFS
se "n1>f>7c6Enter c7Jennifer's c2Starting Chipsc6: c5";qu
an=result;call CHECK;if an<'200' | an>'800' then signal BAD
jennifers=trunc(an);signal PREFS
se "n1>f>7c6Enter c7Kristin's c2Starting Chipsc6: c5";qu
an=result;call CHECK;if an<'200' | an>'800' then signal BAD
kristins=trunc(an);signal PREFS
se "n1>f>7c6Enter c7Paul's c2Starting Chipsc6: c5";qu
an=result;call CHECK;if an<'200' | an>'800' then signal BAD
pauls=trunc(an);signal PREFS
if friend=1 then friend=0;else friend=1
signal PREFS
tr '>f>7c1That c6value c1is out of range.w2'
signal PREFS
tr 'f0n2z0c7';ov='>8'
do 18;tr '>7'copies(' ',66);end;tr 'f0n2'
tr ov'>9c6o1A C E Y D E U C E Yo0 c7Instructionsn1'
tr ov'c5 This poker game is played with a standard deck of fifty-two'
tr ov'cards. You are dealt two cards face up, and can then bet chips'
tr ov'on whether the next card falls between the first two cards.n1'
tr ov' If your first card dealt is an Ace, you have the option of'
tr ov'making it either Low, or High. An Ace dealt as the second, or'
tr ov'last card will always be High.n1'
tr ov' To begin each game, you must Ante 5 chips. These chips will be'
tr ov'spent for every hand you play, and may not be returned. Your'
tr ov'bet must be at least 1, but not exceeding half your total chips.'
tr ov'If you are dealt two cards of equal value, or two cards with a'
tr ov'difference of one, there is no way for you to win, and a bet of'
tr ov'0 chips will be allowed in these instances, however your Ante'
tr ov'will be lost, just as above.'
tr ov'>f>f>ac3Press any key now...g1'
tr 'f0n2';do 18;tr '>7'copies(' ',66);end;tr 'f0n2'
tr ov'>f>f>f>ac7Page 2n1'
tr ov'c5 After the betting is over, your third card will be dealt face'
tr ov'up. If the card falls between your first two, you win your bet.'
tr ov'If the card falls outside the first two, you lose your bet, but'
tr ov'if the card matches either the first, or second card, then you'
tr ov'lose double your bet.n1'
tr ov' The game will ask you for a number of opponents between 0 and'
tr ov'3. These opponents are not playing against you, or each other,'
tr ov'but are playing their games from the same deck you are using.'
tr ov'This allows for the element of unawareness, because you must'
tr ov'also be aware of how many cards have already been used. If you'
tr ov'choose 0 opponents, then you will simply play by yourself.n3'
tr ov'>f>f>ac3Press any key now...g1'
tr 'f0n2';do 18;tr '>7'copies(' ',66);end;tr 'f0n2'
tr ov'>f>f>f>ac7Page 3'
tr ov'c5 After you have chosen the number of opponents, you will be'
tr ov'allowed to set a couple preferences before the game actually'
tr ov'begins. If you want to start immediately, simply press your'
tr ov'RETURN key, without pressing any other key first.n1'
tr ov' Game repetitions is the number of games that will be dealt out'
tr ov'before the game starts asking if you would like to play again.'
tr ov'This speeds up the game some. You can quit the game, before the'
tr ov'repetitions are over by typing a Q when it asks for a bet.n1'
tr ov' Default bet is the number of chips the game will use as your'
tr ov'bet whenever you press your RETURN key, without actually enter-'
tr ov'ing a bet. This is another way to speed up the game.n1'
tr ov' The next three items allow you to set the opponents beginning'
tr ov'pot. The acceptable values are between 200 and 800 chips.'
tr ov'>f>f>ac3Press any key now...g1'
tr 'f0n2';do 18;tr '>7'copies(' ',66);end;tr 'f0n2'
tr ov'>f>f>f>ac7Page 4'
tr ov'c5 The last preference is the friendly option. If this option is'
tr ov'turned ON, you will be given 100 chips whenever one of the other'
tr ov'players decides to leave, while they are ahead. If it is OFF,'
tr ov'then the player(s) simply leave without even giving you the time'
tr ov'of day. This is a goofy little FUN addition to the game.n1'
tr ov' Whenever you exceed 1000 chips, or drop below 5 chips, you'
tr ov'will have to quit the game, however, you can reenter the game if'
tr ov'you wish, with another 500 chips.n1'
if lose=1 then do
tr ov' 10 Chips are the same as 1 Minute of Time. 50 Minutes will be'
tr ov'deducted from your account whenever you play this game. If you'
tr ov'leave the game with more than 500 chips, you will be awarded'
tr ov'extra Minutes, but if you leave with a negative number of'
tr ov'chips, those extra minutes will be deducted from your account.n1'
if lose=2 then do
tr ov' Chips are the same as P-File Game Points. 500 Chips will be'
tr ov'deducted from your account whenever you play this game. If you'
tr ov'leave the game with more than 500 chips, you will be awarded'
tr ov'extra Game Points, but if you leave with a negative number of'
tr ov'chips, those extra chips will be deducted from your account.n1'
tr ov'>f>f>ac3Press any key now...g1'
tr 'f0n2';do 18;tr '>7'copies(' ',66);end;tr 'f0n2'
tr ov'>f>f>f>ac7Page 5n1'
tr ov'c5 Lastly, you can start the game repetitions over again, either'
tr ov'after they have finished, or even before they finish, by typing'
tr ov'an R for your bet.n1'
tr ov' If you wish to enter a new repetition value, then type an N'
tr ov'for your bet. The hand you are currently playing will become the'
tr ov'first hand in the new repetition loop.n1'
tr ov' Typing an H, or the ? will give you a mini-menu to these other'
tr ov'commands at the Bet prompt.n1'
tr ov' I truly hope you enjoy this game, and look for other Casino'
tr ov'Games coming soon to a bbs near you...'
tr ov'>f>f>f>7c3z1o1c3 Dotoran z0o0'
se 'f0n9z0c0';do 6;tr '>f>e'copies(' ',22);end;se 'f0na'
CHECK:;if ARG() & ARG(1)~='###PANIC' then return ARG(1)
getcarrier;if result='TRUE' then if ARG() then return ARG(1);else return
logentry 'Lost Carrier!!';bufferflush;exit
SYNTAX:;ERROR:;IOERR:;e1=' Error: 'rc' ('errortext(rc)')'
e2=' Line: 'left(sigl,4)'File:';gu 1311992;a=result;gu 1311960
b=result;c='"'a||b'"';e2=e2' 'c;tr e1;tr e2;logentry e1;logentry e2
e=translate(sourceline(sigl),"\{","");do while e~=''
e3='Source: 'left(e,37);tr e3;logentry e3;e=substr(e,38);end;bufferflush
\****************************************** FRONTIERS BBS (716)/823-9892 **/